Saturday, March 11, 2017

FAITHFUL WORDS - When the pressures of life and the hardships of meeting  your daily needs collide, where do I/We turn to find answers and peace?  The comfort from Psalm 121 is a subtle yet meaningful text that brings  hope and courage:   "I lift up my eyes to the hills.  From where does my help come?/ My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." 

Tucked away in these 8 verses are 6 references to words of strength: "keep" and  "keeper."  The Song of Ascent is the pilgrims song as they traversed the rugged hills to Jerusalem for the Feasts.  These words not only encouraged the weary travelers but express the truth that the LORD is the ONE who brings them through the dangers, the needs, and the peace as they demonstrate that they will keep the covenant by  obeying  their tri-annual offerings to the Holy Temple.

The first verses are our looking to God for His help (which glorifies Him) and the thought of Him watching over us by KEEPING His grace ever present assures we, the needy, that the Creator of all, is also our help.  FAITHFUL WORDS -- keep in your heart, recite then with joy from your lips, and be ever conscience that He is our Creator.  

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Confession (or is it Obsession?)

Hi, I'm Bob and I'm a blog-a-holic!!!  Oh yeah!!  Now let me qualify.  I'm not a mean blog-a-holic, nor a sloppy blog-a-holic, and I do not spew my blog posts or comments so as to leave an offensive odor wreaking of  lexical vomit.  But I must admit (part of the 12 step blog-a-holic rehab) that I am secretly reading Catholic blog sites!!!  In fact, I'm addicted.  Priests, Deacons, Bishops, converts, men, women--doesn't really matter as long as their reason and intellect bolster their premise.  Why?  For I must traverse through the labyrinth of Tradition, tradition, Scripture, canon law, ecumenical councils of yesteryear, papal bulls, encyclicals, Vatican I and II, pronouncements of sainthood, moral justice, Ancient Fathers, interpretation solely by the Magesterium, catechisms--TIME OUT!!  I GIVE UP--I'M LOST!!!  WILL SOMEONE RING THE BELL SO I CAN GET OUT OF THE MAZE?.

My thoughts herein are intended to be general in nature and certainly not controversial.  But I am fascinated with the depth and breadth, not to mention the quality, of the Catholic presence in clarifying many "myths",  enlightening their people who have lapsed, and the challenging of Protestant (in the broadest sense) beliefs which are contrary to Her history and Tradition.   I found myself asking if non-catholic Christians have/are posting or commenting with language that overtly denigrate the writer (for lack of a proper discussion), or misuse Catholic Tradition from the Fathers because it has a significant place in forming dogma and sacred doctrine.  To disagree on any topic with reason, logic, Scripture, history, and  courtesy requires a clear and thoughtful process and not an emotional diatribe that advances nothing . 

Along the Catholic way, I have found a kindred spirit, learned many Latin phrases (I cheat--I have a Latin phrase translator on my toolbar and mobile), sought through research and dialogue to grasp doctrine(s)  I cannot find acceptable.  Likewise, I do not hesitate to relate my position (but as a blog-a-holic I found myself often slurring my meager attempts in circular reasoning or not capable with my resources to give an adequate defense).

As I leave to feed my craving, consider that even a blog-a-holic isn't completely addlepated and has been known to hit the bull's eye once in while.  I may stammer, stutter, have the DT's, and withdrawal anxiety if I stay away too long!!   But may we all become more perspicuous so that, one day, we may actually meet  and enjoy a coffee and be true deipnosophists.

Whom shall I fear?  "If the Spirit of him [the Father] who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he [the Father] who raise Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you."  Romans 8:14 (ESV)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Meaning of Christmas

The Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus is seriously overshadowed and compounded by the obsessive/compulsive societal scream not to transgress the mythical political boundary which is so desperately enforced so no one mistakenly treads into the church and state debacle.  Moreover, the commercial relevance to the market place has driven the meaning of Christmas underground, as if a real Savior was an heretical concept compared to Santa!!  Two questions come to mind:  (1) How did we evolve into a people who harbor a fearfulness of and a callousness toward the truth, and (2) What is the true sense in understanding the Christian view of God saving His people from their sins or the real meaning of Christmas?

Let us fore-go the "paganism" argument for a December 25th date and dismiss the "holiday" theme tradition as these only shroud the answer to question One - How did all of this come to be?  None of the removal of nativities, the greeting "Merry Christmas," changing of Christmas Season to "Holiday Season," or need for diversity at this time of year came swiftly.  No, No!!!  It followed a trail through the slow, methodical, and repetitious drumbeat that God was an irrelevant and or nonexistent being who inhibits man's freedom of expression coupled with the idea of an Incarnation of a Deity through the miraculous conception with the Virgin named Mary of His (It/She - depends on what is in vogue) Only Begotten Son was too unbelievable.  Over decades and centuries, the "no Creator" concept gained a foothold in Western Civilization through haters of organized religion such as the French philosopher Voltaire and the insanity of the "God is Dead" mantra courtesy of Fredrick Nietzsche.  And add an American twist with the ACLU challenging Christmas at every turn and you have a society afraid to withstand the assault of these legal mischief makers and the cowardice of true believers to stand up for truth.

Though the response to our first question was brief, it should suffice to recognize that the demise of any society starts with the removal of the Gospel - a deliberate act of holy sedition as depicted in Romans 1:18b:

The second question gives perspective and context to the need for a supernatural special birth which actually grants forgiveness, imputes grace, and ultimately redeems many of lapsed humanity from the fatal spiritual birth defect -- sin towards God.  Now the general sense in rendering the authentic meaning of Christmas is  depicted in John 13:3: -- SAY WHAT??? Yes, it is the picture of Jesus knowing that His Father had given Him all things and that He not only came from the Father but would one day soon return.  When we continue reading, the King, humbling Himself as a servant is  washing the dirty feet of His disciples--but be patient and consider the following as I surround us with the most awe inspiring display of love never found in mere mortals.   

The Star Trek theme broadcasts " go where no man has gone before."  That makes a compelling and interesting hook to imagine life beyond the realm of earth. I have chosen four nouns to represent the magnitude of the birth which caused shepherds to hear angelic choirs.  These are SIGNIFICANCE, IMPORTANCE, SUBSTANCE, and IMPLICATION.  

We begin by noting God, in eternity past opened the celestial portals, through prophets, to reveal His plans and decrees.  Here is the SIGNIFICANCE of His work.  The majesty of God becoming man -- along with verse 21 stipulates that God in the Trinity set the time, manner, and place of redemption's story.

The next word, IMPORTANCE, clarifies the purity of the birth -- no man could father the Son of God.  Again, the prophets of old foretold that a "virgin" would be the bearer of God's choicest love (Isaiah 7:14).  The Magnificat in Luke 1 is Mary's response that imparts the surprise and humility of the blessed maiden as Gabriel explained what was about to occur.

The SUBSTANCE defines who Jesus was in relation to deity and humanity.   and

He came in a body prepared for Him so that He might dwell among mankind.  This was due to the issue of being the Passover Lamb -- the One without blemish -- the only impeccable offering that would truly appease the rightful and justified wrath of our Holy God.  

Our last point of truth brings with it the IMPLICATIONS to the One called "The Way."  During His 3 years of ministry, Jesus proclaimed Himself:  I AM, The Good Shepherd, The Great Physician, The Door, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  The last three declarations have a caveat that summarily defines the implications:  "...No one comes to the Father except through me."  Therefore, eternity hangs in the balance.  Consider rejection of the Son as blasphemy to the Father 

Born of a Virgin, so that His blood would be a pure offering for our sins, lived a life without ANY sin   set examples for His disciples to imitate, then He voluntarily died, was resurrected, and now sits at the right hand of the Father!!!  The Meaning Of Christmas is clearly evident for those who through faith, believe.  And as these believers are maturing into  discerning people, they will follow the example (not for purposes of merit but for pleasing God) and be humble in their minds and manifest a servant hood mindset that no action is beyond obedience and glorifying God -- even washing another's feet, etc.

Whom shall I fear?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Atheists, Agnostics, and Other God-Abusers

In an age of "hate speech" this or "anti-" that, I find it refreshing to just read and listen to the rants and cosmological ravings of the self-proclaimed advocates of "GOD IS DEAD" (may Nietzsche rest in peace), along with the rationally biased thinkers (oxymoron?) or the undecided closet pagans as to whether God exists or if He/She/It has relevancy in our hyper-speed culture where science and empirical data are worshiped.  NOT!!!!!!  

The illogical nonsense that passes for acceptable persuasive arguments to extinguish the existence of Deity often paralyzes the uniformed into silence.  Just because the infinite cannot be quantified, digitized or turned into a mathematical equation does not excuse the narcissistic human from acknowledging a higher power/being.  I really detest the terms I just used, but for the sake of the blog, I'll let them stand -- for now.  Consider the following:

God - the term - is way too broad to have valid meaning because what authority defines what/who God is?  Every religion has at least a god -- but when left undefined or worse yet, left to the imagination of the elitist -- disbelief is easier to accept than reality.  Why you ask?  Ponder these questions --  Who wants to actually be held responsible for their actions?  Who wants to carry a burdened conscious to the grave?  Who would be so self-righteous as to pontificate that all we see and are is just chance, fortune, an accident, or happenstance?  

I unashamedly presuppose that the Bible is true.  I furthermore see the continuity and conflict in understanding the God of Israel in light of His attributes, such as:  love, wrath, holiness, sovereignty, and justice. But the finite can never fully contemplate the Infinite.  He does reserve the right to keep some mysteries to Himself (Deuteronomy 29:29).  Nonetheless, His presence is known  -- in fact, it is obvious: 

He is a spirit but often the Bible reveals Him as corporeal (having human form) so we can get a glimpse of the infinite.   He reserves vengeance for Himself, therefore, we, His people who may bear the brunt of the verbal barbs, can turn the other cheek.  His plans all come to pass, therefore, what human can stop His decrees.  He seeks the counsel of no one, creates and controls all the universe, knows the end from the beginning, and clearly proclaims that He can ONLY be known through His Son (Hebrews 1:1-4).  He reminds every soul, every day of His Being through the work of nature.   (Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:18f).

And, rest assured, He is actually aware of the "hate God" speech that is tolerated in the name of open mindedness.  So, to those who proudly claim the name ATHEIST, AGNOSTIC, SKEPTIC, DOUBTER, NIHILIST, FREETHINKER, OR RATIONALIST, here is what God has to say about YOU:  "The fool says in his heart, '"There is no God."  (Psalm 14:1 - emphasis added)

Whom shall I fear?  The unbeliever or the Lord of heaven?  The choice is clear: 1 Peter 1:17-21. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"You Can't Handle The Truth!!!"

Jack Nicholson's response to Tom Cruise's question asking for the truth in "A Few Good Men" is as famous in movie lore as "Play again, Sam" or "Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!"  The TRUTH - Jesus confounded Pilate about TRUTH (John 18:33-38).  Truth has taken flight to another realm.  In fact, to better understand the mischief taking place, I recommend a couple of books for anyone seeking answers to what has/is happening today concerning the TRUTH that Jesus taught and the Bible reveals -- John MacArthur's The Truth War, and David Wells' "No Place For Truth or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology?"  Together, they give a snapshot of the demise in the Church's place within a community and how the Bible has been relegated to "take it or leave it" status. 

In my opinion, our pulpits failure to hold fast to a true confession of faith has conceded and capitulated  to pressures for a more acceptable modern worship that would evolve in order to gain attendance.  Quantity over quality always trumps the truth.  Or to put it another way, pragmatism is more important than a Gospel that actually accomplishes something.  Change the format, get better entertainers, drop any inhibitions that hinder a worship experience.  Over the past 4 decades, at least, I am aware of the descent to supposedly follow the cliche', "win the lost at any cost."   If anything, we have empowered generations with false hopes by denying them the truth of the Gospel.  Judas may have sold out his Lord for 30 pieces of silver, but today's American brand of Christianity has bowed to the paganism of Aaron while Moses was on Sinai.  The golden calf may look different, but it's all the same untruth. 

Paul warns Timothy of those in the pew turning away from sound doctrine as having "...itching ears...."  What a metaphor for people who now turn away from Biblical truths to a smorgasbord of myths, visions, and "Thus saith the Lord" revelations.  So, I guess, the decline in our churches did not actually start 4 decades ago but has always been a malicious virus awaiting for the host's spiritual immune system to be weakened with cultural and societal mores infecting the conscious leaving the spiritually deceived with a motto of  "I set my own destiny."

Do we just accept this as the way it is or do pastors and church leaders arise to stand firm on the orthodox truths even if the many turn away?  How miserable it would be to believe (or deceive yourself) as a preacher that all these good people came to hear ME.  No, once you truly open the Word and expose sin, the need for repentance, the only hope is in Jesus Christ, either they will flee and scatter because the TRUTH makes them uncomfortable or they will humbly realize that the love of the Father is expressed ONLY in His Son's finished work. 

Whom shall I fear?  Read Romans 8:31-39 if you need an answer and a refreshing reminder that it's all about God not me.